Lasercutter Training

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This page is used to track training sessions for the Laser Cutter.

Training is given regularly and is available to all London Hackspace members. You must pre-book your place below, but only when one is scheduled. If you have not yet joined London Hackspace, please do so before joining training!

Space is strictly limited and you must reserve a place on this wiki page when a session is available - watch the Mailing List for announcements. Reserving a place is on a first-come-first-served basis, so you'll need to be quick.

If you can't attend your training session please remove your name from the roster and inform the Mailing List, this will save wasting people's time and can allow a last minute replacement to take your slot.

Feel free to ask for help on the Mailing List, but please read the FAQ first.

Don't create training sessions yourself, they are announced on the mailing list when posted.

Next Session

Saturday July 20th 2019 18:00

Only 5 places available, please add your full name as you used to join LHS and membership number (we use this to check membership status)

Your account must be showing as a fully paid up member before signing up for training.

Training is £5 and is payable to the trainer at the end of the session.

  • 1. Mohamed Habib (HS15483)
  • 2. Marcin Pucilowski (HS26758)
  • 3. Ariel Truman (HS05329)
  • 4.
  • 5.

Previous sessions

On Lasercutter_Training/Archive