Equipment/Bus Pirate

From London Hackspace Wiki
Bus pirate
Hackspace Unknown.png
Model Unknown
Sub-category Test equipment
Status Good working order
Last updated 8 August 2022 12:12:30
Consumables Unknown
Accessories Unknown
Training link Unknown
Owner Unknown
Origin Unknown
Location Ground floor, electronics bench

Bus Pirate


The Bus Pirate is a low-level interface to:

  • 1-Wire
  • UART
  • I2C
  • SPI
  • JTAG
  • raw 2-wire
  • raw 3-wire
  • PC keyboard
  • HD44780 LCDs
  • MIDI

It includes an ADC and can bit bash these protocols at the wire level. It can also be put into UART bridge mode, acting as a simple serial port.


Our connector

brown - GND		
red - +3.3			 
orange - +5	
yellow - ADC		 
green - VPU		
blue - AUX
purple - CLK		
grey - MOSI		
white - CS			
black - MISO

NB This order depends on attachment as connector is symmetrical and may be inverted.

Sparkfun Connectors

I have noticed that the sparkfun connector and buspirate uses the following mappings

black – gnd
white – 3.3V
grey – 5V
purple – ADC
blue – VExtern
green – aux1
yellow – clk
orange – MOSI
red – CS
brown – MISO

AVRDude bus pirate mappings

+ * BusPirate       AVR Chip 
+ * ---------       --------
+ *       GND  <->  GND
+ *       +5V  <->  Vcc
+ *        CS  <->  RESET
+ *      MOSI  <->  MOSI
+ *      MISO  <->  MISO
+ *   SCL/CLK  <->  SCK

Information about the schematics to use with any of the supported protocols can be found here [1]

How to get a shell anything UART

Follow this step to get a shell using the bus pirate to you UART devices.

  • 1. First find the UART baud rate for the device. You can generally find this information from the constructors manual or using an oscilloscope.Note it on a piece of paper.
  • 2. Find the connecting plug for it. Need some magic here. It mostly trying to find the GND first using tester and trying to find the voltage pin and data pin.
  • 3. Connect you bus pirate to your device.
  • 4. Find the new device using 'ls /dev/tty*'
  • 5. Start a shell. Either trough minicom or screen.
  • 6. m ( for mode)
  • 7. 3 (for selecting the UART)
  • 8. select your baud rate ( most common baud rate are 9600 or 115200)
  • 9. default work in most of the case to get your shell on any devices 8
  • 10. select stop bits is 1 most of the case
  • 11. enjoy your shell.

Real life example

As it happened at the LHS, the bus pirate interacting with a Hitachi HM55B compass module:
