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A description of what London Hackspace is, how it used, etc.

The London Hackspace is a non-profit hackerspace in London: a community-run workshop where people come to share tools, skills and knowledge.

We're a thriving community of hackers, electronics geeks, makers, tinkerers, metal and woodworkers, lockpickers, knitters, beer brewers, and much more. You'll always be able to find someone who shares your interests among our members.

We have a dedicated space in High Road, Wembley. It's open to our members 24 hours a day, and we hold regular free events which are open to the public.

Our space has a well-equipped workshop for metal and woodworking, a 3D printer, a laser cutter, electronics equipment and components, desk space, sewing machines, and much more. We're constantly buying more useful tools and parts for our members.

Since our founding in February 2009 we've grown from a small group of enthusiasts to become one of the world's largest hackerspaces with over 500 paying members and a huge number of casual attendees. We're funded by membership subscriptions and donations. Members get full transparency on where their money is going, as well as a say in how it's spent.

More information: AboutPressPublic RelationsWords