
From London Hackspace Wiki

(Redirected from Equipment/Babbage)

Hackspace Unknown.png
Model Dell PowerEdge 800
Sub-category Defunct
Status Scrapped
Consumables Unknown
Accessories Unknown
Training requirement Unknown
Training link Unknown
ACnode No
Owner LHS
Origin Unknown
Location Scrapped
C. E. Liverati, 1841


Babbage has been recycled! The hard drives were erased using DBAN - an open-source hard drive wiping utility.

The contents were been backed-up (but not in perpetuity) to the file server known as Colin.


Babbage was a general usage Linux server that lived in the space. It was largely been deprecated by services offered through the VM 'chomsky'.


Named after Charles Babbage.

See also: System naming


  • Internal:
  • External:


System logbook


These must be running in sudo screen sessions belonging to root (run from their directories):

Please use screen -S motion, screen -S irccat, etc.

  • /usr/local/bin/scripts/startmotion
  • /home/jonty/irccat/
  • python /usr/local/bin/Lighted/ not in use
  • /var/www/fcagg/

These services should be started automatically as daemons:

  • /etc/init.d/apache2 start -- for cacti and normal web serving
  • /etc/init.d/xinetd start -- this was for netcamfix which is not necessary now. (but having xinetd is not really anything to worry about)
  • /etc/init.d/ssh
  • mosh -- is this actually started as a daemon? Not a daemon but port range rules fixed by tgreer for cab0lt. fixed for chomsky.
  • /etc/init.d/ircensus start -- October 2015 - asked teabot whether it was still useful and should be migrated to chomsky
  • /etc/init.d/doorbot-listeners start -- babbage is no longer participating with doorbot.
  • /etc/init.d/irccat start -- old home of robonaut
  • /etc/init.d/boarded start -- old daemon for talking with light up signs - retired
  • /etc/init.d/lighttpd start -- for coolbot monitoring (why wasn't this just another apache instance? 2nd http server is overkill!)
  • /etc/init.d/nginx -- for legacy 3-in-1 lathe ACNode management (why wasn't this just another apache instance? 3rd http server is even more overkill!)

These applications are also used in long-running sessions:

  • irssi No one should be doing long-running sessions on babbage anymore. Move to chomsky. Seriously, this thing is gonna die, and you don't wanna die with it.


See Babbage/Networking


Set the following in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf:

server.document-root       = "/home/solexious/coolbot"
server.port                = 8022

Migration and Decommissioning

  • Kraptv Migrate redirects, setup ProxyPass for cacti mgmt, and prepare environment for multi-user access
  • Kraptv/Anybody Move glados files to Colin and change mountpoints for systems playing doorbot audio files
  • Kraptv/Anybody Move userdirs/mystery-dirs (hopefully everything) to Colin - chmod/chown to updated LDAP credentials as necessary.
  • cab0lt Migrate robonaut functions and historical info off to chomsky, merge updates to github archive
  • russss Migrate coolbot and laser statistics content/daemon to chomsky (or another system if code requires root access and lots of dedicated daemons)
  • jasperw Migrate ACnode daemon for 3-in-1 lathe and others to acserver
  • Kraptv Migrate Cacti resources to chomsky - UPDATE: migrated cacti running alongside babbage 20 Oct 2015 Thank you Sully for the remaining bits!
  • Migrate irccensus to chomsky and update new cacti instance to point at new irccensus. UPDATE: migrated ircensus to chomsky --Yvanj (talk) 22:08, 4 November 2015 (UTC).
  • Kraptv Final data copy using rsync before shutdown, wipe the drives using DBAN and hand over to its new owner - 21 November 2015
  • Speak fondly of the purpose it provided

Showing 1 related entity.