General Use Hand Tools
From London Hackspace Wiki
We have quite a large number of hand tools for general use -The Playwood maintained stock tends to be better quality and requires training to keep these tools in optimum condition eg chisels.
Some tools are kept in the metal shop and some in the woodshop, depending on where they are more likely to be used
Among the general use tools we have:
- Hand drill(s) - handy for when none of the electric drills are charged and you need to do a few quick drilled holes in something
- Drill bits
- Wood Files/rasps
- Needle Files are in the drawer marked DRILL BITS (this should probably be labelled a bit better)
- Saws - located in the saw holder on the main bench in the middle of the workshop in various sizes, tpi, mitre and normal cutting saws.
- Screwdrivers
- Spanners
- Tin Snips (for metal)
- Pliers
- Clamps - G/C clamps, screw clamps, quick clamps
- Hammers/Mallets
If something's broken, please let the mailing list or trustees know so we can buy new to replace the item, rather than just bemoan the lack of working items! Thanks!