
Pledge: Vinyl: Difference between revisions

From London Hackspace Wiki
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A [[Equipment/VinylCutter | vinyl cutter]] has been donated by Tomwardill, with a small stock of vinyl. However, we will need more and Tom would appreciate donations towards the cost of his larger stocks. Please indicate if you can help.
We're getting thin on the ground when it comes to vinyl so I think it's time to order some more.
This is a pledge for a 50m roll of Hackspace (ultramarine) blue matte vinyl as this is commonly the colour most used.  
With the current offers a roll costs £55 + £10 delivery  + VAT.

* £20 --[[User:Artag|Artag]] 12:03, 4 August 2010 (UTC)
* £30 --[[User:Velyks|Velyks]]  
* £10 --[[User:Solexious|Solexious]]
* £10 -- [[User:Jonty|Jonty]]

Running total: '''£40'''
Running total: '''£30'''

Approximate target: '''£?'''
Approximate target: '''£78'''

Paid: '''£0'''
Paid: '''£0'''
