Viceroy Sharpedge

From London Hackspace Wiki
Viceroy Sharpedge tool grinder
Viceroy Sharpedge.jpg
Sub-category Defunct
Status Defunct
Last updated 17 January 2022 15:05:35
Training requirement yes
Owner Dean Forbes (Long Term Loan)
Location Middle Workshop

This sharpener has not been seen in the space since at least mid-2021 so status was changed to defunct. Below is the contents of this page before the status was changed:

needs to be moved to metal workshop This was a replacement for the Alexander tool sharpener and used for sharpening planes and chisels and was mentioned on the list

It has been worked on collaboratively by different groups Wood/Metal - Thanks to Ki Re for sorting out the wiring, it still need a peristaltic pump made to replace the mechanical one for oil feed