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Revision as of 22:11, 5 February 2011

Maker Faire UK 2011 is on the 12th and 13th of March 2011 in Newcastle.

We'll be heading up on the Friday night and going on a Hackspace pub crawl with all the other Hackspaces.

Who's going?

  • JimM - Saying in the Swallow Hotel (since it had parking)
  • Jonty
  • Russ
  • Bob/b3cft Cannot make it :'(
  • Oni
  • Elliot
  • SamLR
  • Solexious While I can't drive I would love to be on the team taking the hack van up
  • Nigle Staying at the Clifton House Hotel, room in car for gear/people
  • Mark
  • Spike - Staying in Jurys Inn which claims to be "2 mins walk from central station" but does not have private parking :-(.
  • Rain - Am exhibiting - waiting to hear from Jonty whether there's a minibus going, I need to be there in the afternoon to set up my stand. Otherwise, Spike has kindly offered to give me a lift.
  • Bugs - Hopefully have some DIYbio stuff to show? I'll try to think of some quickish experiments...

What are we doing?

We will be running the hack area, where everyone can sit and tinker/hack. We shall have to take tools & equipment for people to use.

Individual presentations

Some members have applied to individually present:

  • The Battenberg (An autonomous airship) - Russ/Jonty
  • A steam-powered turing machine - JimM (sadly, unlikely to be actually steam-powered unless the venue permits it)
  • Twinkle Tartiflette, I <3 0X0 (interactive wearables / sound / game artworks) and possibly Grand Cat Turismo if I have time to finish! - Rain


Train is the quickest way, from King's Cross straight to Newcastle. Some of us may be bringing more equipment, so may need to hire a van or car.

  • JimM will likely be hiring an estate car, but setting off from Cambridge rather than London.