Spacewarming Party/Planning

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I will get my apron on and reprise my regular role of master of meat for open days, gas bbq and meat order in progress - Solexious (talk) 05:58, 17 April 2013 (UTC)

Given the huge success of the barbecue on Sunday, it'd be great to do one again.


BYOB? Do we buy drinks in? Discuss.

  • tesco is opposite, so ppl without who want don't have to go far, so I'd say no.




Done. I was just copying the format of the last open day/spacewarming party page, but I agree. If we're publicising, how about an eventbrite page? And --codeoclock (talk)) 11:54, 17 April 2013 (UTC)

Can we call in our media contacts to write up something about New Hackspace with a by-line of "Open Day this coming Saturday" etc etc closer to the time? Russ? Jonty? etc? Should we look into making some flyers to hand out at EMW too? Or are we just going to use our generic bookmark handouts that gmjhowe is making for us for MakerFaire? It'd probably be best to have both to hand out - something specific to Open Day and the more generic Hackspace bookmark/flyer. --Akki14 (talk) 14:03, 17 April 2013 (UTC)

"coming SUNDAY" not Saturday!


To better illustrate what can be done at the space?

  • Beer tasting
  • Arduino gadgets ?
  • I could bring Ivan the T-Rex back... OOH he could live in Pony Corner for the night above the main entrance! :D --Akki14 (talk) 10:55, 17 April 2013 (UTC)
  • We could hook a projector up to a pi running Minecraft: Pi Edition and write scripts for it. Or, you know, real Minecraft. I could set up a server. It might not fit the whole social aspect of things though, having a load of people playing Minecraft on their laptops. --codeoclock (talk) 11:57, 17 April 2013 (UTC)
  • How has the caravan not been mentioned?! Caravan crew, is it up to it?
  • Cool stuff to do with LN2 demonstrations
  • Is the robot arm able to move at all?
  • big signs inviting ppl to become members, plus ability to pay first month in cash on the day?
  • ... ?