It's an Alix 2D3 low-power computer, with a 4GB Compact Flash card, running Voyage Debian 0.9.0.
Named after Alonzo Church.
See also: System naming
Info out of date, church has been replaced by boole.
Don't forget to push config changes to Github and (if relevant) update the Logbook.
Set up very simply to iptables-restore /etc/firewall.conf on networking start. To add a new rule, change /etc/firewall.conf and:
iptables-restore < /etc/firewall.conf
Traffic Shaping
We're using a relatively simple traffic-shaping scheme to manage upload bandwidth. Traffic is tagged using fwmark into one of six priority classes in the "shaper" chain in /etc/firewall.conf.
/etc/network/if-up.d/traffic-shaping then configures the traffic shaping (you shouldn't need to touch this and you should tell Russ if you do).
- Could this be published on the wiki, as only a limited number of people have access to Church? Robert 13:19, 24 April 2011 (UTC)
We like stable internet, so we're not going to hand out accounts willy-nilly. If you need a port mapped, ask one of these people:
If you want to do something more fancy, we'll probably give you access as long as you let us know first :).