Gold membership

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Gold Membership


  • Free lasercutter time!
  • Expedited training
  • Allowed to sleep on the sofas and store large items in the space
  • Dibs on member box contents of expired accounts
  • Associate IRC Cabal membership
  • Complimentary Vote Greer keyring
  • Access to #london-hackspace-gold
  • Permission to borrow tools
  • Permissions for ?upword
  • 23.8% discount on all Tuck Shoppe purchases
  • Every third Club Mate half price
  • A lovely "Gold Member" tag after your name on the Members page


Gold membership can now be bought with DogeCoin! Send 3 DGC to DRLE2iYLRMuo4w538pwCqPMzMYBVt549Yh for membership

Sign up!

To sign up for Gold Membership leave your CC details below:

  • mastercard: 5332223767165786, ccv: 851 - tomw
  • amex: 3758640445227870, ccv: 878 - Montyphy
  • mastercard: 5590463629636379, ccv: 621 - Phil
  • visa: 4486624382507244, ccv: 516 - Det
  • amex: 3375113422341192, ccv: 666 - tgreer
  • Talk to my man at Coutts - booyaa

Current Members

ERROR Cannot transclude the requested page. You may find further information on this error below.

mw_notgoldmember: this content is not available to standard users.