Project:Tool Access Control/Deployment

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This page is for keeping track of what we need to achieve, and how far along we are to achieving it.


Name Location Maintainers (name +hackspace ID) Number of Phases Maximum current draw ACNode fitting Location Status
Lulzbot 3D Printer Corner Thomas Greer (1424) 1 5A Inside the base Fitted, in testing
Metal shop tools (6) Metal Shop Dean, Liam, Mr Ed, 1, ? (can switch 24V low current. We have some relays) Box on the wall. Fitted
Lasercutter By the Window Sol, Henry 1 Very little (interlock) On the side Proposed
Shapeoko Robotics/CNC area mentar, tamlyn 1 Very little, uses ATX PSU for 12V power Inside the base Proposed

Items in stock

We have some acnode bits scattered around here's a list of who has what where:

  • Jasper: 1 x connected launchpad + 1 x pn532 "cooqrobot" card reader + some cards for testing, and 3 (?) spare connected launchpads that can be bought at cose
  • Mentar: 1 x connected launchpad + 1 launchpad + 2 x pn532 compact readers (all given away for the acnode project)
  • ?