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The Hackspace carries a range of electronic (and other) components in stock. As a rule, members can use anything for free, as long as the cost is less than £1. However, if you're using more than £5-£10 worth of components a month, we'd appreciate a donation to cover those costs.


Please include a link to the item, preferably from Farnell, or it won't be ordered.

If you're a member of the space we'll happily order components for you and take advantage of bulk discounts/free shipping. If the component you request is cheap, we may order more than you need and bring it into stock in the space (if that's the case, then it's free as above).


  • 4051 Analog Multiplex/DeMultiplexer @Farnell x 4
  • Positive photo resist spray @rapid (free del over £35)
  • Stripboard, e.g. [1] unless there are cheaper options. There are: [2]
  • NPN transistors (ONE LEFT), atm we stock BC547BG but these are much cheaper [3].
  • Low Power MosFETs [4]
  • 16MHz crystals (farnell) - cheaper from Rapid
  • Arduinos (we should probably get these from Earthshine, but our budget is a bit tight to stretch to them currently -Russ)
  • Miniature trimming potentiometers
    • 10K
    • 100K
    • I have put a selection of multiturn trimpots in a translucent plastic compartment box, currently on top of the component drawers in the main room - artag.
  • CD4050BE 5v <-> 3v3 level shifter
  • MCP23008 I2C IO expander
  • MAX232 RS232 driver @[5] x 4
  • piezo buzzer
  • DC Jacks ("cigar plugs") for our cigar sockets, can't figure out what type it is...
  • Reed switch
  • Schotty diodes
  • Crocodile Clips
  • Spool of single core wire, current one is getting fairly low
  • Header pins in a variety of formats. 1 x 20, 2 x 10 especially. AFAIK the component trays have no header pins in them right now. Associated sockets would be good too.

Previous orders


This section is to keep track of past orders.

If you want to report stuff that's running low or missing, do so in the Requests section. Making a mess of this page won't help us ordering the right components.

June 2013

  • Hex inverter CD4009UBE @Farnell
  • 3.5mm stereo jack
  • 4093 (four NAND Schmitt Triggers in one chip, useful for e.g. polyphonic square wave oscillators) (now UK stock)
  • 4017B ("decade counter"/10-step counter, useful for sequencers) (now UK stock)
  • 555 and 556 timers. These are generally useful, we should always keep a few in stock.
  • Bits for the Oki PS-900 soldering station. PHT or SFV series should fit, and be hot enough for toxic-flux lead-free solder.
  • chocolate blocks
  • 200 x 2.5mm Cable Ties Delivered
  • NPN transistors. There was a bag marked 2N3904. I think that's a reasonable Farnell part to replace it with.

May 2014

  • Desoldering braid (get 4) Farnell
  • 9v PP3 batteries Farnell
  • Medium (1mm) (get 2) soldering wire Farnell
  • Fine (0.5mm) (get 2) soldering wire Farnell
  • NPN transistors 2N3904.
  • Chocolate blocks Farnell
  • SRAM CMOS 64K, 623308, DIP28 Farnell
  • RESISTOR, 2.2K, 0.125W, 1% Farnell