Bridgeport Mill Training

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Revision as of 08:49, 25 March 2022 by Toby.m (talk | contribs)
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This page is used to track training sessions for the Bridgeport Mill

Training is given and is available to all London Hackspace members. You must pre-register your place below, If you have not yet joined London Hackspace, please do so before joining training!

Please watch the Mailing List for announcements. registering you interest is on a first-come-first-served basis on this list , if you don't respond when contacted we will move on to the next person on the list.

You must watch the videos before coming to a training session

If you don't respond or attend your training session you will be removed this from the list - this will save wasting people's time and allow other to use the equipment

Feel free to ask for help on the Mailing List, but please read the [[1]] first.

Training sessions will be co-ordinated by the maintainers.

Waiting List

For the time being there is a combined waiting list for this and the milling machine, see Metal Lathe/ Mill Training List

Authorised Members

  • 2022.03.17 / Petr / HS33204 / Intermediate L2 - TM
  • 2022.03.10 / Dan / HS10468 / Intermediate L2 - TM
  • 2021.09.15 / Chris / HS32763 / Intermediate L2 - DF