From London Hackspace Wiki
The Hackspace carries a range of electronic (and other) components in stock. As a rule, members can use anything for free, as long as the cost is less than £1. However, if you're using more than £5-£10 worth of components a month, we'd appreciate a donation to cover those costs.
If you're a member of the space we'll happily order components for you and take advantage of bulk discounts/free shipping. If the component you request is cheap, we may order more than you need and bring it into stock in the space (if that's the case, then it's free as above).
- NUTS. Various. Metric. (Specifically the M8 thin required to reinforce the makerbot extruder)
- BOLTS to go with nuts, also "machine screws" down to m3 or smaller
- Header-pin sockets (etc)
- More breadboards (larger)
- Opto-couplers
- Blue 5mm leds (30 for solexious)
- Photo transistors, visible wavelength.. (3-4 for t0m) [1]
- Small speakers, good for arduino wave shields [2] (get a fair few as they're useful)
- Solder paste [3]
- A few freeduino's or similar (We're running short)
- 2.5mm jack (plugs and sockets)
Tools and equipment
See the Wishlist page.