Often people discard electrical goods because they have received a superior item and have no use for the old one. More likely though, is that the item in question has developed a fault and so may be unsafe to use "as is".
To be completed when the author is less tired.........
(page under construction, feel free to add/edit)
Basic Safety Checks
Before powering up, check....
Wet stuff Dry thoroughly before plugging in
Leads/Plugtops Check for fraying and cuts
Exposed conductors
Cracked/broken/incomplete casings xxxxx
Repurposing components
Ensure that xxxxx
Soak Testing
When you have finished examining/refurbishing/testing your item, it is a good idea to "soak test" it. This means leaving it operating (where appropriate) for an extended time WHERE IT CAN BE OBSERVED in order to be confident that it has no faults that only manifest after prolonged use. Not all equipment is suitable for this e.g. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx