Hack the Space Day

From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 15:43, 21 May 2013 by Martind (talk | contribs) (Created page with " (This is currently under discussion.) A proposed monthly day, e.g. on the first Saturday of each month, where we come together to work on the space. Such a regular "hacking ...")
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(This is currently under discussion.)

A proposed monthly day, e.g. on the first Saturday of each month, where we come together to work on the space. Such a regular "hacking the space" day could bring together experienced & new members with the intention of working on the space. Infrastructure improvements, cleanups, tool maintenance, … whatever we deem appropriate at the time.

In short, such a day could be a good opportunity to:

  1. meet other active community members,
  2. fix/reorganise/improve the space,
  3. learn new skills while doing so.

Task Lists

Please link to wiki pages that describe open tasks, so that people can easily pick them up during the next Hack the Space day.

  • ...

See Also