Jouan C3i

From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 10:45, 7 May 2014 by Tolland (talk | contribs) (Tolland moved page Centrifuge 10,000RPM to Jouan C3i: is a stupid name)
Centrifuge 10,000RPM
Model Jouan C3i
Sub-category Biohacking
Status Good working order
Training requirement yes
ACnode no
Origin Imperial College
Location Basement, Biohacking lab
Maintainers Biohackers

Currently working.

The tachometer works (at low speed), the microswitches on the lid interlock switch on and off and the control electronics and front panel seem to work.

There is a connection diagram for the main board on page 2-11 (page 20 in the pdf linked above). The motor drive is powered directly from the mains, separately to the rest of the main board.

Connector J12 (supplying mains power to the motor drive) is badly damaged and I have removed it. This is a three way Panduit brand IDT connector. I think it is an ITW Pancon brand MAS-CON 3.96mm connector (eg.