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Revision as of 11:55, 8 August 2016 by Cepmender (talk | contribs) (Added my name.)
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There has been some interest in hosting a tabletop/jumble sale at the hackspace to allow people to offload all those interesting bits and pieces hackers and makers tend to accumulate but aren't using.

The provisional date and time for the first will be August 20th, from midday to 7pm at the latest.

Bad movie night is booked into the classroom at 8pm, so that gives people an hour to pack up and clear out if things have gone on that long.

The first event is booking a very long slot, but we'll be playing it by ear this first time to see how well it goes down. Individuals will likely be packing up well before that point and we'll refine the timeslot for any future occurrences.

If it goes well we can look at making it a regular event. Perhaps quarterly.

  • Will raise the question of whether we should have a "booking fee" for sellers, to ensure serious people book the tables. A fiver perhaps.
  • Will raise whether non-members could be permitted to sell. Perhaps as guests for a larger fee, giving automatic priority to members.

August 20th table reservations

There are ten tables available in the classroom, and we'll start by reserving one per seller. If there's more interest than there are tables, we can discuss expanding it somehow.

  1. Sci - Tooling, various electromechanical odds & ends
  2. Katie Williams (provisional, dependant on mailing list approval)
  3. Phil - Various goodies, mainly Radio and Tools