BridgePort Interact

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Bridgeport Interact CNC Mill
Bridgeport Interact.jpg
Model BridgePort Interact
Sub-category CNC
Status Returned to owner
Consumables Milling Cutters, material to cut Coolant
Accessories NA
Training requirement Yes
ACnode Yes
Owner Dean and Matt
Origin Bridgeport
Location Basement,
Maintainers CNC Team,


This system can cut 2d and 3d shapes from materials such as plastic, metal and composites. It is useful for cutting things that can't be cut in the laser cutter due to their thickness or material compatibility. The edge accuracy of parts is also usually better than a laser cut due to the lack of uncertainty about the kerf width, and improved vertical walls.


  • Spindle


The system currently runs with a proprietary operating system, we plan in due course to fit a PC running LinuxCNC.

Drip Feed Cable Pin Out

Use / Induction

Once you have been trained and done a number of jobs on the Boxford, (Probably 3 depending on your proficiency) you can by arrangement with the maintainers schedule an induction.

You will need to have demonstrated your ability on CAD, CAM, work holding, work position, speeds and feeds (to ensure you don't damage the machine or your self)

You should also be able to demonstrate safe operation of equipment.

You will need a LDAP account to login to the machine - further information on creating an account at

Operating the system

  • TBD


Charges are 10 Pounds a session until we set it up properly when it will be 10 pounds an hour (spindle time) due to the nature of G code and home built machines you do so at your own risk (this is used for development costs and maintenance of the cnc machines) usage fees go in the blue cash tin, or paid into the account with sort code 779112 and account number 50365968, please use your Membership ID and date of use as a reference. (this is used for development costs and maintenance of the CNC machines)

Health and Saftey

  • By using this machine you are self-certifying that you are competent to do so.
  • You will not use this machine unless all safety features are in place and operational.
  • You will not use this machine if you are under the influence of drugs ar alcohol. (this will result in a life time ban)

Generating g-code from your designs

It is not possible at this time to use GCode on this machine, however when it is the following information may be useful

There are a lot of different options for preparing a g-code file which can be loaded onto the CNC to cut a design. Some examples include;

3D Packages

2D Packages

System status

The system is up and running, although we are still doing some tidying and adjusting of subsystems based on initial experiences of people using it in the alpha/beta program.

btw - this already exists (with nice picture) here: Bridgeport_Interact_CNC_Mill