Equipment/Hitachi VC-6545

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Hitachi VC-6545 CRT Storage Oscilloscope

Hitachi CRT Digital Storage oscilloscope
Model VC-6545
Sub-category Test equipment
Status Good working order
Consumables None
Accessories Probes, probe tips, earth leads, IEC mains lead
Training requirement Requires Electronics Lab Access
ACnode no
Owner Hackspace
Origin Nigle
Location 1st Floor Electronics Lab

We have two of these. Online Manual (with PDF download) and Alternate Searchable Full Text Version


40MS/s(1CH), 20MS/s(2CH simultaneously), 100MHz Bandwidth, 4kword(1CH), 2kw/CH, Delayed Sweep, Frequency counter.


  • Retro-Cool CRT-based Vector Screen showing Basic Real-time & Storage Oscilloscope
  • Exclusive one-shot and intermittent phenomena are simple to capture using the digital storage function.
  • Using the pre-trigger function, it is possible to observe the rising edge of a waveform which occurs before the trigger occurs.
  • Non-repeating events can be observed as clean waveform using the digital storage function.
  • Low-speed phenomena can be observed as a trace using the digital storage function (roll mode).
  • External plotter functionality enables hardcopies of CRT waveform data.
  • Averaging can be used to reduce noise, providing summary signal of interest.
  • Captured waveform can be saved to internal memory and recalled for comparison.
  • RS-232C serial interface usable to transfer stored waveform data.
  • Dual cursors can be enabled to make accurate measurements of voltage, time, and frequency.
  • After waveform capture, it can be displayed in expanded form with interpolation (linear or sine).
  • Using sweep time auto-ranging, the sweep rate setting automatically optimised in accordance with the input signal frequency.
  • Trigger lock hold the sum of the hold-off time and sweep time for stable trigger of complex pulse trains.
  • Frequency of the channel selected as the trigger signal is automatically counted.

Example video of similar Hitachi scope functions demonstrated {{#ev:youtube|ZQLZ6WhMB7o}}