Space Organising Day

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A semi-regular event where we take some time off from all the busy hacking on projects and hack the space instead. A chance to clean up the mess, reorganise how we store our tools and materials, optimise the space layout, restock consumables, and throw out things that aren't useful to anyone.


We need to agree on a date for the next one. Suggestion: Saturday 16 July (two weekends before the open day.)

Based on the suggestion in the open day thread:

  • start with a reminder (email & tweet): make sure to label & store your stuff properly, cleanup session coming up. This will give everyone a chance to rescue their crap beforehand.
  • discuss proposals for any bigger infrastructure changes on the infrastructure list (new shelving, new workspace layout, etc.) This ensures that we are well-prepared, and avoids surprises.
  • early July: send out invitation to cleanup & space organising day (via email, IRC, tweet, Fax etc)

And then:

  • mid-July: cleanup & space organising day on a suitable weekend or two (best a Saturday in case we need to buy stuff)
  • 31 July: partay

Links, Discussions


Space Refactoring

This should be planned well in advance, and work could already start before the day. Any bigger changed need to be discussed on the infrastructure mailing list first. Here are the more active proposals:

  • ...


Hmm, rubber gloves. See also: Chores.

Restocking Consumables

See also: Components.