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When Currently in Hibernation, from

Robotics group

  • Description: We are an informal group of robotics enthusiasts


  • 10 MAR 2018 - Currently Suspended / In Hibernation

Get in touch

How to get started

Robotics is a multidisciplinary field and although that is what makes it exciting, it also makes it really hard to get started.

Here are some resources to get you on help you get started:

  • Starting bots
  • Electronics
    • edX Embedded Systems course(link) on 22nd Jan 2014. Syllabus can be found here here and can order the eval board required for the course at TI-store for just over £8 equivalent.
  • Software
    • Andrew Davison (Imperial College) robotics course ([1]). Excellent introduction to mobile robotics.
  • Mechanics
    • Robotics 101 - Set of videos based around the Actobotics set by Sparkfun, good general overview.
  • Books
    • Don't forget we have some good books at the hack-space library, you can browse them using LibraryThing

Robotics projects


Here's the opt-in list of members and what they are working on

  • Dean not an expert more of a project manager :-)
  • Jon I currently have a small collection of home built and bought robots, including a 3Pi, a scratch build two wheel balancing robot, an antique 6DoF hydraulic arm and a RoboNova biped. I built an autonomous robot for the [SparkFun AVC competition] in June 2013, and I'm helping with the Staubli Robot Arm.
  • Salman.