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{{:Access & Security (EX2)}}
{{:Access & Security (EX2)}}
==Fire Sign In/Out Sheet
==Fire Sign In/Out Sheet==
The landlord will at some point be starting a sign in/ sign out system by the main roller shutter door. Details on how this operates will be shared once active.
The landlord will at some point be starting a sign in/ sign out system by the main roller shutter door. Details on how this operates will be shared once active.

Latest revision as of 07:35, 17 July 2024

Following the move to EX2 in 2024, it's now a requirement of our H&S policy that all members (new or old) get an orientation to the space before they are given general access

As well as increasing safety, we're hopeful that a more organised orientation will help new members get a better feel for the space and how it operates compared to the older informal approach.

Orientations will consist of a walkaround tour of the space and the communal areas of the EX2 building, following the list of discussion topics below. The bullet points in this list can trigger a more in-depth discussion if required. There are also some of our formal written policies which must be read and agreed to, which are linked to below.

Please note this orientation does not include an induction for any of the safety critical Equipment in the space - members should ask for help and/ or a separate induction session on these once they are an oriented member.

Brief Introduction to LHS

  • We are a community lead not-for-profit organisation (see wiki for more information on our organisational structure)
  • We are currently one of several small businesses & community groups who are tenants in the EX2 building, run by the Republic of Park Royal


(ignore the fact the address is included below, that's because the location page is shared with the main page)

The location of the current space (2024 onwards) is:

41–43 Standard Road
Park Royal
NW10 6HF

Google Maps; Lat/Long: 51.5277, -0.2642

Public Transport

Several TfL bus routes pass through the area serving Central Middlesex Hospital nearby; numbers 187 and 440 will stop almost directly in front of the EX2 warehouse.


Bicycles can be locked in the alley to the side of the building at any time.

If it's quiet inside, you may be able to leave a bike against the internal wall separating LHS from the wider EX2. If you do this, be considerate and be prepared to move it at any time. Never leave a bike there unattended if you are leaving the space. (Note the landlord is looking into a more permanent, secure bike storage option - watch this space)

Please don't bring bicycles inside the hackspace (unless you are maintaining them!) - they make it difficult for others to move around the space and access equipment.

Car Parking

On-street car parking is free on Standard Road, but it's difficult to find a free spot during working hours. There is a loading bay, but do not use it unless actively loading (members have previously been fined).

There is a private car park around the corner on the left off Dragor Road (Lat/Long: 51.528217, -0.26539)—which is the nearest and also cheapest—at £2.80 per diem.

The ASDA superstore a little further walk away is free for up to 3 hours, but a day ticket can be purchased online as a last resort.

Canal Access

Grand Union Canal, Paddington Arm. Acton Lane.

Access & Egress

We share the EX2 building with several other tenants. It's therefore vital we follow the following procedures, not only for our own protection, but to safeguard other's spaces and belongings

If you arrive at the space and nobody else is there yet

  1. Let yourself in via the LHS door
  2. Open the roller shutter so there is an alternative exit in the event of fire
  3. If you're the only person there when you leave, follow the procedure above as you leave

If you think you might be the last person to leave the space

  1. Check around the building for other tenants who might still be in.
  2. If there's no reply, assume you are the last (better to lock someone in than leave the building unlocked - other tenants staying late will have keys)
  3. Make sure the main alleyway roller shutter is fully lowered. It is operated by a keyed switch to the right of the door, at the top of the ramp. Leave the key in place when it is fully lowered
  4. Exit to the alleyway via the LHS door (through the crafts area, up the short flight of stairs)
  5. Ensure the door is shut behind you
  6. As you leave, check that the building's front door has been closed and roller shutter lowered (this should be carried out by the other tenants as they leave, but we should make sure)

If this door is open, or there is anything else stopping you carrying out this full procedure, then contact the trustees immediately.

Members with Restricted Mobility

As the LHS entrance unfortunately requires steps, it's currently not possible for members who cannot safely use stairs (including wheelchair users) to gain access to the building if there is nobody else there.

During the daytime (approx 09:30-17:30 mon-sat) there is a good chance that our neighbours POW will be in and have the roller shutter door open, at which point anyone can get in.

Outside of these hours, they would need to ensure that another member will be there for the duration of their visit. The other member should open the roller shutter door on behalf of the member with mobility restrictions, and leave it open for the duration of their stay so that they have an emergency exit. We appreciate this is an unhelpful situation, and are hoping to work on mitigations for this with the landlord. Any questions on accessibility should be referred to the directors.

Fire Sign In/Out Sheet

The landlord will at some point be starting a sign in/ sign out system by the main roller shutter door. Details on how this operates will be shared once active.


  • The building has shared kitchen and toilet facilities (due to be upgraded at some point). (take members on a brief tour)
  • Treat these with respect, even more than we would with a LHS-only facility
  • Bins (regular and recycling) are located in the alley, near to the road. Please use them

Introduction to the Space

We have four rooms (tour each) including:

  • A clean activities room with:
    • CNC machines
    • Laser cutter
    • 3D printers
    • Electronics lab
    • Textiles area
    • Crafts, Modelling, Vinyl Cutter, and a bunch of other stuff!
  • A wood shop
  • A metal machine shop (for clean & delicate machinery)
  • A metal fab shop (for dirtier/ hotter activities such as welding and grinding)

Health & Safety

As part of the orientation we must cover the hackspace Health & Safety Policy in full:

This is an official London Hackspace policy. Please don't edit it yourself - suggest changes on the Mailing List.

Health & Safety is the responsibility of every Hackspace Member. It is your duty to make sure that you, and others in the space, are not endangering themselves or others!

The following policy has been written to help everyone live up to that responsibility. It is not a complete list of every rule and guideline - for these see the other policies, risk assessments and information pages specific to the individual machines and activities that happen at LHS.

Those who do not follow this policy may be warned, asked to leave, or banned.

Who is Responsible

  • All space users have a responsibility to follow this policy, and to generally look our for the health and safety of others while using the space.
  • Designated maintainers of specific equipment (as listed on the wiki) are responsible for preparing risk assessments, rules and inductions for the activities under their care
  • The trustees are responsible for the management of health and safety, and for administering the Grievance Procedure against those who breach the rules (see 'Failure to Follow this Policy')

General Principles

  • If in doubt - ask. We all come to the space to learn new techniques and tools, it's OK to be new and inexperienced but it is NOT OK to wade in without thinking. We all learned at one time and most members are keen to share that knowledge, whether in person or on the mailing list/ Discord.
  • Much of the equipment in the space has it's own Wiki Page where rules, risk assessments, guidelines (as well as helpful tips for use!) can be found. Read up on each tool before using for the first time and if in doubt, always ask.
  • The tools that present the highest risk require an induction before use. Never use one of these tools without induction, even if you have used them many times elsewhere - there will be features and rules specific to our space that you may not know about.
  • Tools that do not require induction can still present a significant hazard - do not treat them lightly and always seek help if unsure
  • Clean up after finishing work - this is not just polite, but reduces the likelihood of slips, falls and fire.
  • Always use the correct PPE. If the space has run out of PPE, post on the Discord or mailing list and it will be replaced.
  • Warn others before switching on any tool that requires ear protection, to give others time to put theirs on too. This should be done via a shouted warning - "EARS, GOING LOUD".
  • Do not disturb other members while they are operating machinery (e.g. tapping them on the shoulder or making sudden movements). A distraction or a flinch can result in an accident.

Equipment Damage

  • Inspect all equipment before use
  • If there appears to be a maintenance issue, please 'tag' the equipment as such (for example, unplug it and tape a note note to it explaining the situation) and inform the maintainers via the Discord/ mailing list.
  • Wear and tear are part of the hackspace process and you will not be disciplined for damage resulting from fair use.
  • Damage caused by abuse (when you "should have known better") may be subject to some action when reported (such as being asked to pay for repairs) but the one thing that will always make the situation worse is trying to hide or cover up damage, or repair it yourself if you don't know what you're doing - this puts others at risk, as well as being a nuisance.


  • Familiarise yourself with the locations of fire alarms, fire escapes and fire fighting equipment.
  • Raise the alarm immediately upon discovering a fire
  • Use the firefighting tools only if it is safe to do so, and immediately call the fire brigade.
  • Only perform hot work operations in accordance with the equipment rules, in the designated locations.

Please note that as London Hackspace only occupies a small portion of the space within the EX2 building the landlord (RoPR) is responsible for the overall fire evacuation plan. This is displayed on various posters in the communal areas of the building

Failure to follow this policy

If any member witnesses someone doing something against this policy, or who seems likely to injure someone, then the witness should do one of the following:

Quiet Word

  • Often, a quiet word with someone not following this policy is enough to remind them of the risks, and to follow the policy - it is better to let someone know that their behaviour is liable to break the policy, than for them to break it.
  • Try not to shout at or surprise a member performing a dangerous operation - this could startle them, causing them to lose concentration and increase the likelihood of an accident. If the danger is not imminent, wait until they have finished that cut/ pass/ operation.
  • Only have a 'quiet word' if you feel safe and comfortable to do so
  • If you do not feel safe and comfortable, or the member ignores you, or appears to listen but then resumes as soon as you turn your back, then it is time to inform a maintainer or trustee (see below)

Informing a maintainer or trustee

  • If the behaviour of a member warrants it, then any member may report an accident to a maintainer/ trustee. This could be verbally, via Discord, or to trustees@london.hackspace.org.uk
  • Please do not post about others unsafe behaviour publicly on Discord/ mailing list - the maintainers will share any 'lessons learned' if needed but there is no benefit in name and shame
  • The maintainers/ trainers will listen to the report and decide on a course of action, which could be:
    • No action - if the member's behaviour was actually acceptable. This can easily happen - for example when an experienced member performs an advanced operation which looks dangerous to others, who might not understand some specific risk mitigations that experienced member is making. There's no shame to the reporter if this happens, they've still done the right thing in coming forward
    • A 'quiet word' direct from the maintainer/ trustee
    • A requirement to repeat the induction for that equipment
    • A ban on that equipment (in accordance with the Grievance Procedure)
    • Formal warnings or a general ban from the space (in accordance with the Grievance Procedure)


  • LHS doesn't work if people don't clear up after themselves
  • Sweeping up and emptying bins is one of the best ways you can help contribute to the space, especially as a new member.
  • In particular, sweep dust after woodwork activities
  • Put all tools and equipment back where you found them after use
  • If there's a shortage of something, replace it yourself (preferred) or post on Discord/ mailing list but don't just walk away


Code of Conduct

Reproduced from the Code of Conduct page:

London Hackspace is an inclusive community where all our members and visitors should feel welcome. This code applies to everyone's conduct on all public communication channels as well as at the Hackspace itself.

This code of conduct is in addition to the Rules which cover safety and the ethos of the space.

  1. It is unacceptable to harass or discriminate against others for any reason.
  2. Keep all communication civil and keep swearing to a minimum; if you can't make a comment politely and persuasively, don't make it at all. Your conduct reflects on the image of the Hackspace as seen by outsiders.
  3. Public trolling is never appropriate.
  4. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

If you ignore these guidelines you will initially be warned or moderated. Subsequent offences may result in you being banned from the mailing list or IRC. Additionally, the trustees may start proceedings under the Grievance Procedure.

If you witness any persistent breaches of this code, or have any other concerns, please contact the trustees at trustees@london.hackspace.org.uk. The trustees are powerless to fix problems they aren't aware of.

Other Policies

  • We have several other policies on the Main Page, you must follow these but should read up in your own time.
  • Remember this is a community of members, by the members for the members - you are not paying anyone to do anything. We don't have a professional technician or caretaker to fix breakdowns or carry out maintenance, so it's on you as much as it is anyone else (within the limits of your skillset).


From guide

One of the hackspace's greatest assets is its physical space. But with so many members it is quite a challenge to keep the space free of clutter. It is also requires a lot of effort to keep the space organized and tidy. If you are considering bringing any item to the space that you do not intend to keep in your personal storage then follow these handy check lists.

Temporary EX2 Update

The above statement about 'a challenge to keep free of clutter' is especially true while we are still setting up our new EX2 premises. We plan to re-instate members boxes soon, but they are temporarily suspended. Storage requests can be raised but please bear in mind we'll have to turn down anything of significant size or duration for the next little while.

Member Boxes

Members can apply to have a personal box which they can use for any items they like (small tools, projects, materials etc). More details on the page.

Please be aware that since we have a large number of members for a small space, there isn't enough room for all of them to have a storage box, let alone be able to store items outside of it. So if you're not using your member's box or don't think you'll use it for a while consider freeing it up so someone else can use it.

Big items

  • A big item is one that doesn't fit in your box.
  • You must be a member to store a big item.
  • To store a big item you must get permission first.

To get permission do the following:

  1. Go to [1]
  2. Fill in the form
  3. Wait: the Mailing List will receive your proposal.
    • If the request is due to start today, is short term and no one replies to the mailing list request after 1hr it will be automatically approved.
    • If no one replies on the mailing list after 2 days it will be automatically approved.
    • If your project is urgent and can't wait 2 for approval then it's best you raise your concern on the mailing list topic.
    • If someone does comment then once the thread has reached a consensus someone will approve your request and you go to the next step
    • If the consensus **rejects** your proposal then, sorry, but you can't bring the item in.
  4. Assuming your project's been approved you then need to print a 'DO NOT HACK' sticker or write the storage request details on a sheet of paper and attach it
  5. Work on your project!
  6. Remove your project before your time runs out!
  7. Mark your request as removed.

If you bring your project to the space without following these steps then your project will receive a Notice of Disposal sticker.

See also: Guides/Bringing_items_to_the_space/Poster, Guide/Tidying items from the space

Vehicle projects

Vehicle projects, where vehicles are left unattended overnight, are not appropriate as we do not have any parking.

Disposal of Incorrectly Stored Items

Any items that are:

  • Large items stored without a storage request or un-labelled
  • Member boxes abandoned after a member leaves the space
  • Donations or loans that aren't approved by the wider membership first

Are subject to disposal by LHS without any further warning.

The old system of disposal at Ujima house is detailed in this Guide. We are investigating whether a similar system could work at EX2, and will determine this in due course

Donations to the space

Before donating use the following points as a guide:

  • Is it on our wishlist? - if the item is not on our wishlist then check on IRC or the mailing list before bringing it into the space. If it is on the wishlist then bring it in - thank you!
  • Is it on our List of Unwanted Donations? - If the item is on this list, we already have so many of them that we don't need any more.
  • Will you be upset if it is thrown away? - If it would be difficult for the average hacker to comprehend the intrinstic hack-value of the item then it may end up in our 3 week disposal process. Large items that will not fit through the disposal process could get thrown out without warning. If this does not appeal then it might be better not to donate the item.
  • Does it meet any of the following criteria? - If it doesn't then we probably do not want or need it currently - but thanks for thinking of us!:
    • Item is a tool useful for the types of hacking that take place at the space.
    • Item is a common part/component that is not scrap.
    • Item is in working order and has a reasonable resale value.
    • Item can be easily stripped for high value parts.
  • Will the Hackspace accept the donation? - if you bring items to the space with the intention of donating them without first making sure that the organisation is willing to accept the donation (as decided by consensus on the mailing list) then the items are still in your ownership, and it is your personal responsibility to dispose of them once you're asked to do so. This is especially true for large items, or items that require unusual means of disposal (e.g. toxic materials.)

If you have a particularly rare or unusual old piece of computing hardware, we aren't interested. However, the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park may be interested.

Other option: Swap Shop

If the item isn't needed by the space but you still think it's of value and can't bear to throw it away, then you could try creating an entry on the swap shop and someone might get in touch to take it off your hands.

Loaning items to the space

See page: Equipment Long-Term Loans

End of Orientation

1) Members and inductors should sign and file a copy of the Space Orientation Form

2) Paper form should be stored in the appropriate folder

3) Activate access cards. Members are now inducted!