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Revision as of 23:31, 9 October 2013 by JasperWallace (talk | contribs) (ansible brain dump.)
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Hackspace Unknown.png
Model Unknown
Sub-category Systems
Status Good working order
Training requirement yes
Training link Unknown
ACnode no
Owner LHS
Origin donation from Tgreer
Location Basement rack.
Maintainers Sysadmin team

A 1U Intel Atom machine in the rack in the basement.

Is our core router, has both FTTC lines connected to it. DHCP and DNS server. Runs the spacefed node for the space and is an ldap server.

Also a netboot server, provides:

  • Diskless i386 and amd64 debian wheezy
  • Rescue and Install for debian wheezy.
  • partition magic
  • memtest
  • dban
  • Voyage (a minimised debian disto that can run from readonly media) Warning : the Voyage auto install kernsl will reformat things they are booted on without prompting.

Also runs ansible for setting up machines in the space.

using Ansible with a Rasbperry Pi

dd raspbian image (use the 02-09 one to avoid usb issues)
boot pi
watch dhcp logs on boole
ssh pi@ip
passwd: raspberry

sudo raspi-config
update it
expand filesystem
change password
boot to console
advanced options -> hostname

cd /etc/network
edit interfaces to get a static ip

log into boole with ssh keys forwarded

add hostname to dns
add hostname to /etc/ansible/hosts in both the [lhshosts] and [rpis]
sections, and [doorbot] if it's a doorbot, make the syslocation="something sensible"


if it's a replacement for an old machine then
ssh-keygen -R hostname
ssh-keygen -R
ssh-keygen -R ipv4 address (?)
ssh-keygen -R ipv6 address (?)


cd /etc/ansible
ansible -v -s -u pi -k  -m command -a "apt-get -y install python-apt" "hostname*"
ansible-playbook -u pi -s -k -l "perlman*" lhs/site.yml

The 2nd one will add our users, ssh keys, packages, etc etc.


not sure how resolv.conf gets setup, I thought having:

iface eth0 inet static

would sort it, but maybe that dosn't and we got lucky from dhcp?

the dns stuff in /etc/network/interfaces appears to be bogus and resolv.conf needs to be
done manually, add to ansible.