Other Events
From London Hackspace Wiki
See the calendar for details of activities at the Hackspace and events primarily aimed at LHS members.
This page is for other events, elsewhere, that may be of interest. Please add more events.
- Next dc4420: Tuesday 23rd October.
- Next pubstandards: middle Thursday of the month.
Check ?dc and ?ps on IRC
No Christmas Dorkbot announcement yet but it's always good...
In London
- Barbican Weekender: Natural Circuits 3-4th November.
- A talk about the technolody of 3D TV at IET Teddington, 7th of November.
- Mozfest 2012 Make things with Mozilla tools 9-11 Nov.
- Opennews hackday at Moz London, 11th of November, details vague
- Experimental food society have an exhibition at Canary Wharf 16/17 November and a banquet on the 19th of November at the Cook Book cafe promising a 'unique and surreal multi sensory dining experience'.
- Satellite communications and the cloud 22 Nov
- Orbital at the Brixton Acadaemy Friday and saturday 14/15december. The saturday is over 18s only so I'm going that day. £32.50 including annoying fee even if you print your own ticket. Will probably sell out.
- Kinetica artfare February 28th – March 3rd 2013.
See Ian Visits for other London events of a intellectual but somewhat less geeky nature. And for a round-up of geek-themed events and nights, check out the latest geeky listings from the Londonist.
In Europe
- Eth0 winter conference
- OHM August 2013. The big one in 2013. The next in a series of camps that have been happening every four years since 1989. Date and location now set.
Non-geographic / virtual / broadcast
In London
- geekpub Geeks in a pub
- Dorkbot London: "people doing strange things with electricity"
- Skeptics in the pub three different groups of them in London apparently, Hackney, Westminster and Camden.
- MathsJam is a monthly opportunity for like-minded self-confessed maths enthusiasts to get together in a pub and share stuff they like. Mathjam London
- http://www.gllug.org.uk Greater London Unix User Group.
- IET london Regular possibly interesting talks.
- Funix: Free Unix Command Line Workshops every week in Shoreditch
- Open Wireless Network Wednesdays.
- http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/User+Group+losug/ London Open Solaris User Group
- http://london2600.org.uk/ Telecomms, security and more...
- http://dc4420.org/ Defcon London Meetup. November 20th, December 11th so far.
- http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/lates
- http://oshug.org/ Open Source Hardware User Group
- http://www.amiganorththames.co.uk/ Amiga North Thames User Group
- http://www.nintendisco.com/ A retro gaming night
- http://www.pubstandards.co.uk/ Where beer and web people collide
- hacks/hackers Hacks & Hackers.
- Tour of Whitechapel bell foundry (Britain's oldest manufacturing company) - needs about 4-6 months notice and a fixed number of people (20)
- Maker Faire
- http://www.rsgb.org/events/ Amateur radio rallies around the country. Usually lots of cheap electronic components and interesting junk.
- DDRC Bootsale One of the biggest and best radio rallies in the UK, anually in May.
In Europe
- http://plumbercon.org/ (Vienna)
- http://eth-0.nl/ (Den Oever)
- http://events.ccc.de/congress/ and CCC Camp (Berlin)
- http://www.fosdem.org/ (Belgium)
- http://dorkbot.org/ Various cities globally
- http://www.2600.org/meetings/ Various cities globally (Paris 2600 wanted to do some sort of exchange visit a while back but we were too lazy to do anything).
Non-geographic / virtual / broadcast
- World Amateur Radio Day - 18th April
Visited / Past Events
In London
- Cryptoparty London
- dc4420
- Turing's legacy at the BCS, Southampton Street. 19th of January.
- The Wild Rumpus:feat: The Beast 2nd of Feb.
- The centenary of Britain's first public automatic telephone exchange. 8th February @ The Science Museum.
- plastic electronics including solar cells. 8th February, Imperial College.
- MySociety.Org Pub Meet. 22nd February in the Prince Arthur, near Euston Station from 19:30.
- Dorkbot
- NPL Openhouse 14th March from 14:00. Loose plan here.
- HactionLab - @LARC 4-6th May.
- Mozilla London office launch events: 9-16th May.
- Science London The science of sound, friday 18th of May. 5 quid including a drink on arrival
- Electro Magnetic Field: A UK Hacker Camp 31st August to the 2nd September.
- Hovershow 2012 April 28-29, Lee-on-the-Solent, outside Portsmouth video
- Mini Maker faire Derby maker fair
In Europe
Non-geographic / virtual / broadcast
- Free online CS courses Free online computer science course from Stanford university starting January