Space Organising Day

From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 21:40, 20 May 2013 by Asoko (talk | contribs)
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A semi-regular event where we take some time off from all the busy hacking on projects and hack the space instead. A chance to clean up the mess, reorganise how we store our tools and materials, optimise the space layout, restock consumables, and throw out things that aren't useful to anyone.

Links, Discussions


Next one: Saturday 16 July, 11am-midnight (two weekends before the next open day.)


Provisioning for the cleaning itself:

  • Pan scrubbers, abrasive cleaner for sinks (esp. unit 23)
  • Ensure battery-powered drills are charged


Want to help out and looking for something to do? This is a fairly complete list of suggestions for smaller chunks of work.

  • Assessing the state of consumables, see also: Components. Esp:
    • Fixing and fittings: screws etc
    • Electronics components
    • Kitchen roll, toilet paper, laundry
  • Assessing the state of tools
  • Improving the use of storage
    • Misc boxes in unit 23
    • Tools racking
  • Making better space documentation
    • Creating a map of storage areas
    • Improving the labelling of tools & storage areas, clean instructions on waste disposal

Space Refactoring

Larger work should be planned well and could already start before the day. Any bigger changes need to be discussed on the infrastructure mailing list first. There's a list of ongoing infrastructure projects: Infrastructure.

Planned for the day:

  • Carpet fitting - roberthl has this in hand
    • hardware procured - carpet will be fitted during/after organising day (phil, artag et al)
  • Kitchen flooring - Phil and Russ are coordinating