Welding Training

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Revision as of 16:12, 13 October 2014 by Desq (talk | contribs)
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Or more specifically, Welding Training

Welding training/Inductions are conducted on an adhoc basis at the Wednesday metal basher meetup please come along if you are interested Below are people who have had training on the welding equipment.

Stick Welding (MMA)

  • Eugene
  • Liam
  • Hipster
  • Russ
  • James
  • Ian
  • Dean
  • Maria
  • Russ
  • Des Quilty
  • Laurie Baggett
  • Patick Pater
  • Vlad

MIG (Metal Inert Gas)

  • Maria
  • Eugene
  • Des Quilty
  • Liam
  • Hipster
  • Russ
  • James
  • Ian
  • Dean
  • Russ

The following people would like welding training:

  • Justin Clift
  • Thumper
  • Tim Storey
  • David Murphy
  • Lindsay Morrison
  • Tim Neobard
  • Dan Reid
  • Andy Cousins
  • Elliot West (teabot@gmail.com)
  • Mark
  • booyaa
  • Penguin
  • JonR
  • Colin Cooper
  • Ross Morgan
  • Gyula Gubacsi (progician)
  • Dario
  • Ilya Levantis
  • Leigh Simmons
  • Tom Hodder

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