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Biohacking / DIYBio at LHS

We are the biohacking group at the London Hackspace, a mix of amateur and professional biologists, attracted by the potential of DIYbio and synthetic biology. Anyone is welcome, so get involved! It's fascinating, the field and community is growing all the time, together with the ability of amateurs to do cool stuff. Over the past year we've been developing our equipment, optimising techniques and running some research projects.

Our current projects

We're currently working on genetic testing, identifying specific genes using PCR and electrophoresis. We've been working mainly on sex typing with amelogenin, and have just started working on plant species testing to refine our DNA extraction and PCR process. Since August we've also been working with the UCL igem team to develop a 'public biobrick'.

Our big goal for the next year is to begin projects involving genetic modification. For this we'll need to become certified as a class 1 lab, we are currently collecting information on how to do this.


Andy, Joel, Mike, Nicholas, Paddy, Paul, Simon, Taylor, Tom, Tonderai, Will

How to find us

  1. Come to a meeting: we meet at 7pm every Wednesday in the London Hackspace: Unit 24, Cremer Business Centre, 37 Cremer Street, London E2 8HD. Email Nicholas if you can't find the place.
  2. Post on the biohacking mailing list. You can view the mailing list archives through the previous link or through the google groups interface.


We encourage you to become a member of the biohacking group. Biohacking is more expensive than the typical hackspace activity, and with your membership we can pay for chemicals, primers, and any random equipment we may need.

To become a member, set up a standing order to the London Hackspace with the reference "biohacking". You need to become a hackspace member before you can see the direct debit details. Look here for more information. If you want to become a Biohacking member without joining the space (you really should join the hackspace! It's great), get in contact with Nicholas.

The suggested donation is £2 a week.

Our equipment

Equipment and reagents we want to build / buy in the future

  • A more consistent and effective way of crushing/homogenising small amounts of tissue for DNA extraction. Blenders are good but not for small quantities. Pestles are ok, but not great. One idea is to make a small pestle by melting a pipette tip then using a PCR tube as a mortar. Some labs use liquid nitrogen or a sonicator.
  • Spectrophotometer for measuring DNA concentration. Simon and Tom are on this.
  • Another centrifuge, if ours breaks down, or a dremelfuge. One option is a Dremelfuge - microcentrifuge to be made on a 3D printer. Can print a new one, or buy pre printed for £50 from shapeways. Another option could be this £100 13,000rpm centrifuge from ncbe. Says it's only for schools but we can try and persuade them. If we want a chilled centrifuge we can put it in the fridge / freezer.
  • Another PCR machine. One option is the Open Source, Hackable PCR machine. Another is the Light Bulb PCR less than $50 to build this machine (including the $30 arduino)

Our standard protocols / how to's

Standard chemicals and reagents we use

(See suppliers further down the page for where to get these)

DNA extraction:

  • Chelex 100
  • 70% isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) - widely and cheaply available


  • Taq ReadyMix. Click on bulletin for useful info about procedure for using it.
  • dH20 (deionised water bought from garages).


Shopping list

As of 25 oct, 2012, we need:

  • Agarose (nearly run out)
  • Taq readymix (nearly run out)
  • Mini pestle, to grind samples in tubes



A primer for synthetic biology


PCR primer design


Cf. Suppliers.

  • Sigma-Aldrich - Good for custom primers
  • Cole-Parmer
  • Farnell
  • NBSBio - Good for ladders and cheap agarose (only low concentration) [NB: Be sure to navigate to NOT, or their payment system doesn't work. Weird.]
  • New England Biolabs Good for TAQ
  • VWR] - Big supplier of chemicals, glassware and various lab stuff. Sounds very positive about selling to the hackspace. Bugs is in the process of setting up an account with them.
  • Invitrogen Don't seem to want to sell to us

Proposed code of conduct

See here:

FAQ about DIYBio