From London Hackspace Wiki
Robotics group
- Meetups: Every Tuesday 7:30pm start at London Hackspace (free event, non-members welcome)
- Open to both members and non-members (if needed please ring the bell and mention your are coming for the robotics group meetup)
Get in touch
- Use the webchat client that runs in your browser.
- Or point your IRC client at #london-hack-space-robotics on
- LSHRobotics mailing-list
How to get started
Robotics is a multidisciplinary field and although that is what makes it exciting, it also makes it really hard to get started.
Here are some resources to get you on help you get started:
- Starting bots
- Jasmine Swarm Robot Platform
- Electronics
- Software
- Mechanics
- Books
- Don't forget we have some good books at the hack-space library, you can browse them using LibraryThing
Robotics projects
- Hack Space Robotics Development platform - An experimental platform for bridging the mechanics-software gap at the hackspace
- Staubli Robot Arm - Our industrial robot arm
Here's the opt-in list of members and what they are working on
- Mentar working on the HSRDP and the Staubli Robot Arm. Quite keen on ROS, pretty good with software, ok with electronics, rubbish at mechanics
- Ianadan complete robot noob. Building Maki So need to learn more about ROS and Arbotix and general feedback sensors. 3D Printer, okay with mechanics, rubbish at most other stuff I need...
- Jon I currently have a small collection of home built and bought robots, including a 3Pi, a scratch build two wheel balancing robot, an antique 6DoF hydraulic arm and a RoboNova biped. I built an autonomous robot for the [SparkFun AVC competition] in June 2013, and I'm helping with the Staubli Robot Arm.
Past meetups
- Tuesday 28th January 7:30pm Notes
- Tuesday 21th January 7:30pm Notes
- Tuesday 14th January 7:30pm Notes
- Tuesday 7th January 7:30pm Notes
- Tuesday 17th December 7:30pm Notes
- Tuesday 10th December 7:30pm Notes
- Tuesday 3th December 7:30pm Notes
- Tuesday 26th November 7:30pm Notes
- Tuesday 12th November 7:30pm Notes
- Tuesday 5th November 7:30pm Notes
- Tuesday 29th October 7:30pm Notes
- Tuesday 15th October 7:30pm Notes
- Wednesday 2nd October 2013: Kick off! Notes