Difference between revisions of "Project:UK Hack Camp"

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=== Meeting Minutes ===
=== Meeting Minutes ===
* [[Project:UK_Hack_Camp/Minutes/2012-01-16|2012-02-13]]
* [[Project:UK_Hack_Camp/Minutes/2012-01-16|2012-02-06]]
* [[Project:UK_Hack_Camp/Minutes/2012-01-16|2012-01-16]]
* [[Project:UK_Hack_Camp/Minutes/2012-01-16|2012-01-16]]
* [https://groups.google.com/group/uk-hack-camp/browse_thread/thread/60a99b3a8a65bbe7 2012-01-09]
* [https://groups.google.com/group/uk-hack-camp/browse_thread/thread/60a99b3a8a65bbe7 2012-01-09]

Revision as of 21:53, 13 February 2012

There's been talk for far too long about a hacker camp in the UK; let's make it happen. Europe has a great history of camps: Hacking At Random 2009. Chaos Communication Camp 2011.

Let's have one in the UK. Sod the Olympics, let's make this the event of 2012.

*Very* Provisional Plans

  • Date options: A weekend between June and September, excluding July 27-August 12. (Aug 27th is a bank holiday monday).
  • Capacity: 250-500 people

Get Involved

  • Join the UK hack camp mailing list.
    • Please use a normal mailing list manager that doesn't require a google account!!!!
      • Email uk-hack-camp+subscribe@googlegroups.com. No need for a Google Account. Ms7821 11:55, 18 August 2011 (UTC)
  • Drop into irc.freenode.net #ukhackcamp


Meeting Minutes

Event Search

The biggest challenge is to find a decent site with the ability to get hold of a good (at least 100meg) internet connection. Please add discussion and suggestions to the list of candidate sites.

Event Planning

See here

Here's some random stuff we picked up from CCC - maybe handy for the survival guide.