London Hackspace
From London Hackspace Wiki
We have a great space in Shoreditch, right next to Hoxton station, which is open to our members 24 hours a day, and we hold regular free hack evenings and workshops which are open to everyone.
Google Calendar is our canonical list of events, but here's a selection. All events listed are at Laboratory 24.
- Recurring
- Every Tuesday, 19:00 - Weekly public meetings
- Every Wednesday, 19:30 - Biohacking catch-up
- Every Thursday, 19:00 Music Hack Space meetings
- 1st Saturday, 13:00 - OneClickOrgs hack day
- 2nd Saturday, 15:00 - Lockpicking sports session
- 3rd Thursday, 19:30 - OneClickOrgs hack evening
- Coming up
- Saturday 19 Nov, 12:00 - 20:00 - Hacking Hacking - Capture the Flag Hacking Competition
- You just missed
- Saturday 24 Sept, 09:30 - Introduction to UAV
- Saturday 24 Sept, 14:00 - Bitcoin weekend: talks (details tbd)
- Sunday 25 Sept, 14:00 - Bitcoin weekend: workshops (details tbd)
- Thursday 1 Sept, 20:00 - An evening with Pachube and the Nanode project, see Project:Nanode
Current list of potential workshops
Non-hackspace organised events of interest
Other things
- Members - Non-comprehensive list of members and photos
- Infrastructure - List of ongoing Hackspace infrastructure projects. Layout, storage, ...
- Server Hardware Auction - Temporary placeholder while the auction runs
- SwapShop - Exchange and advertise unwanted stuff
- Visitors Guestbook
- Member Guides and Library - Useful reading material
- Suppliers - In the local area and online
- Press - Mentions of the hackspace
- Organisation - About the London Hackspace's legal structure
- Advertising - Resources for spreading the word.
- Faceplant - Don't do this
- Training Directory - A listing of people to approach for training.
- The history of the London Hackspace.
- One Hundred Things You Didn't Know About London Hackspace