London Hackspace

From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 11:22, 4 February 2013 by Marcbarto (talk | contribs) (added details on next NJA event)
The London Hackspace is a non-profit hackerspace in central London: a community-run workshop where people come to share tools and knowledge.
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Inside our space, Laboratory 24
Our workshop area
Hacking through the night

We have a great space in Shoreditch, right next to Hoxton station, which is open to our members 24 hours a day, and we hold regular free hack evenings and workshops which are open to everyone. Getting started.


Google Calendar is our canonical list of events, but here's a selection. All events listed are at Laboratory 24 (unless otherwise noted). See also: planning an event.


Coming up

Current list of potential workshops | Non-hackspace organised events of interest

Beer nights

  • 21st February 2013 - A wake for Telstar 1, which went off-air 50 years ago today
  • 14th June 2013 - Eric Laithwaite's birthday

You just missed

  • 3rd Feb 2013, 20:00 Bad TV Night - we watched War Games and some other bad stuff
  • 28th January 2013, 19:00 Not Just Arduino #8 user group
  • Annual General Meeting, Wed, 5 December, 20:00 – 21:00, MozSpace London, 101 St. Martins Lane, WC2N 4AZ
  • 16th November 2012, 19:00 - London Graphics Hackspace

Other things