London Hackspace

From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 00:33, 24 September 2021 by Henry Best (talk | contribs)
The London Hackspace is a non-profit hackerspace in London: a community-run workshop where people come to share tools and knowledge.
Wikibanner-visit-us.png Wikibanner-get-involved.png Wikibanner-help-out.png
Find us online: WebsiteDiscordIRCTwitterFacebookFlickrThingiverseGitHub
Inside our wood working area
Electronics building area
Hacking through the night

Ujima House is now currently Open, with maximum occupancy restrictions, to prevent the further spread of Covid-19, in line with current government restrictions on premises.


388 High Road
(Google Map Location) Lat: 51.5539537 Long: -0.2920435

Nearest Train/Tube Stations: Wembley Central served by London Overground and Bakerloo Underground lines and Wembley Stadium served by Chiltern Railways.

Many TfL bus routes stop nearby.

Car parking is available to members.

Other things

Core Material

  • Library - Useful reading material. Update this when you borrow, return or contribute books.
  • Maintenance - The space doesn't improve itself. Know how you should be helping.
  • Suppliers - In the local area and online
  • Equipment - Incomplete list of the stuff we have and its status.
  • Pledges - Does the space lack something you want to use? See if others will combine efforts to get it.
  • Consumables, Wishlist - We try stock cheap little things for convenience. Donate or restock to help maintain.
  • Classroom - We no longer have a classroom.


  • News - We're trying to create highlights of what happens
  • Projects - Some people have documented their personal projects
  • Subgroups - Like-minded groups at the space
  • Members - Non-comprehensive list of members and photos
  • Job Board - Employers, employees, and contractors can find each other here
  • Skill Swap - Swap time
  • SwapShop - Exchange and advertise unwanted stuff
  • Other Events - List non-LHS organised events of interest to the community.

Guides and Rules


What London Hackspace is

  • A place for people to work on projects they're interested in - We provide a space for members to work on almost any project that interests them and provide the tools to help them do so.
  • A place to socialize with like-minded people - We have open evenings which also provide a social venue for members to meet up and discuss what they're working on.
  • A place to repair, improve or re-purpose things - We keep an extensive collection of tools that can be used to repair and hack equipment to make it last longer or be more useful and our members often help each other with repairs.
  • A group to share knowledge and experience - We can find an expert on almost anything technical (and a lot of other things) within our membership, and most of them are very willing to share and teach
  • A way to learn and teach new skills - Our members provide inductions and other training on most of our equipment, as well as workshops to demonstrate and teach new skills we dont have technicians etc
  • A place to work collaboratively on projects with friends - We provide a venue for groups of members to meet up and work on projects that would otherwise be hard to arrange.

London Hackspace is not

  • A pay-as-you-go workshop - Although we're very flexible on membership contributions and require no long-term commitments, we do expect that being an London Hackspace member is an ongoing process of contributing to the hackspace. Contributing only when you want to make use of the lab's facilities is discouraged.
  • A co-working space – whilst you may be able to sit down and do some work on a small scale you will very quickly find it is not suited to having meeting conference calls etc the network may drop out, there will be noise and interruptions
  • A laser cutting/CNC machining/etc service - We do not provide commercial services to the public, and we have a shared machine that many members will want to use
  • A charity - Although we very much welcome donations and assistance, we are not a registered charity and are structured more like a social club.
  • A storage area - We have a small amount of space to store ongoing member projects and we're happy to have tools that are being regularly used, however we are very space limited and do not provide long-term storage.
  • A business incubator - We're happy to support local businesses where we can and people starting their own business are welcome to join (so long as they follow the commercial use policy) but we do not provide general business support services.
  • A tool hire centre - Our tools are kept at the hackspace and are not loaned out to members.
  • The Repair Shop wanting to repair stuff are very welcome to become members and get full access to our facilities. If you join up, we may help you fix it, if someone is around and they have time but we won't fix it for you.
  • A source of free materials – You should bring your own materials if people have useable materials left over they can leave them for other member and other members should make a donation to the space to the value of the materials – it is one of the ways we support our selves
  • A waste disposal service – Because it does not fit in your bin at home does not mean the space will find it valuable or useful

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