Group:Not Just Arduino
- Meetings: Every other Monday 7pm at London Hackspace (free & drop-in event)
- Join our Google Group: Not Just Arduino
- Twitter: @notjustarduino
- Github: Join our GitHub group
- Flickr: Post your photos on our group
Group meeting every 2 weeks for people who want to learn, share and experiment electronics and microcontrollers. Expect demo, talks, Arduino news and jamming. Beginners welcome. Contact: Marc or just ping our new mailing list.
- Next event: 12th August 7PM with demo of TouchKeys, a DIY touch sensor kit for keyboards currently on Kickstarter by Andrew McPherson
- Read the report on our last event
- Demo of CheapSynth by the amazing Dave Green. Video here. Tutorial here
- Video: demo of Raspberry Pi-powered pollution monitor "AirPi" by its creators Alyssa Dayan and Tom Hartley at NJA #19
Workshops documentation
- Documentation on the Arduino Clone workshop by Michael Margolis on 9th May:
- Video of Michael's talk on bootloaders can be found here, plus photo of talk and software cloner here.
- Solder stencil / toaster oven SMT with Arduino clone boards
- PCB / etching workshop run by Eugene
Past events
Event Number | Agenda | Event Number | Agenda |
1 | 8th October 2012 | 11 | 11th March 2013 |
2 | 22nd October 2012 | 12 | 25th March 2013 |
3 | 5th November 2012 | 13 | 8th April 2013 |
4 | 19th November 2012 | 14 | 6th May 2013 |
5 | 3rd December 2012 | 15 | 20th May 2013 |
6 | 17th December 2012 | 16 | 3rd June 2013 |
7 | 14th January 2013 | 17 | 17th June 2013 |
8 | 28th January 2013 | 18 | 1st July 2013 |
9 | 11th February 2013 | 19 | 15th July 2013 |
10 | 25th February 2013 | 20 | 29th July 2013 |
Our members would like to hear about these topics. If you want to come talk to the group or if you are just interested into attending a session please add your name on the page. So far we have 2 speakers who volunteered on Accelerometers and Low-level ATMEGA overview.
Training and Skills offered
Skills that the group has or are happy to share.
Group Project
Let's work as a group on a micro-controller project!
We are building a new LED notification board for the workshop, adapted from Solexious' project.
We're using this project as a learning platform for the new Not Just Arduino members.
>>>> Please add your links, suggestions, code, specs on the project page
Current Projects
Please list here your projects using micro-controllers here (if you're project is listed here, please update the status and info!)
- Laser tag game - A multiplayer game of laser tag, utilising infra red transmitters and receivers (think TV remote control), water pistols (gutted and internals replaced with electronics...and lasers.)
- LEDLightCubeFamily - A set of 3 (or more) LED driven light cubes that communicate over RF, respond to sound/music and can adjust their colour via accelerometer driven tilt. --Bradwood (talk)
Previous/Incomplete Projects
Please clean up this section -- move your active projects under the above heading or delete those no longer relevant.
- Harry Potter Clock - A christmas gift for my girlfriend, uses Arduino, Raspberry Pi and a USB modem to 'magically' point to where I am. It's finished now but I wrote up my experiences and the design of it on my website if anyone's interested in reading about it and learning from my mistakes! (Alastair)
- Sousvide Water Bath - Precision water heater using PID controller (Deanforbes)
- Kinect Robotic Arm - with 3D "Vision" - Have Arduino and Raspberry Pi control a robotic arm and have input from Microsoft Kinect's infrared depth sensor to guide the arm to pick stuff User:Ulisses
- HackSpace Robotics Development Platform - we are restoring an old robot arm to make it part of a robotics platform. People are welcome to collaborate User:Mentar
- Build a simple ethernet driven relay (2x) - anyone wanting to join in is welcome, we will learn the basics as we go along User:Dariomolinari
- With basic electronic-circuit training (printing, etching, soldering), would eventually like to build a Nanode User:Dariomolinari
- 1-wire iButton decode User:Dariomolinari
- Object detection - begin with RFID and then go on to explore other options with longer ranges (Kieron)
- I attempted to interface a microcontroller and a timed mains outlet and let out the blue smoke - it's on my User page. User:TheHypnotist
- Build a self-balancing robot example- anyone who wants to join is welcome (Riccardo)
- Motion-sensing greeting bot (brendan)
- LED cube controller (brendan)
- remote-controlled hot air balloon/zeppelin (Qpnaosc)
- Skype LED board status notifier (Marc)
- RFID Reader & Writer : RFID module Kit 13.56 Mhz SPI Write and Read For Arduino (Necati )
- 434Mhz RTTY transmitter Transmits text over the air and is picked up by software defined radio, would like some help with taking it further.
- Using AVR-GCC, Make and AVRDude i.e. progamming Arduino's using C instead of being reliant upon the Arduino IDE.
- There's a lovely, supported Makefile at (project page
- Using hardware programmers.
- Graphical Programming for Arduino see "Interesting Links"
Recommended Reading
The Hackspace library has some decent Arduino books:
- Arduino Cookbook
- Beginning Arduino - By Hackspace member Mike McRoberts (Earthshine)
- Arduino Playground
- Ladyada Arduino
- TronixStuff Arduino Tutorials
but please add here suggestions.
Group order
Interesting Links
Add your links on this page with a small description.