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An Arduino workshop in progress

We currently have a few workshops at our space every month, and we're always interested in running more. If you want to give one of these, or you've got a suggestion, this is the place to let us know.


Please announce workshops/events on the mailing list and add them to the calendar.

Organising a workshop

Planning an event. If you want to organise an event/workshop (or have been volunteered to) please read our guide.

Regular Hackspace workshops

Workshop When
Hackspace safety induction Usually available on Tuesdays - request in advance
Laser cutter induction Usually available on Tuesdays - request in advance

Workshops offered and prepared

If you are scheduled to do a workshop, or can definitely give one at no notice, please add it here.

  • (Your event here)

Past events

Workshops offered

If you can give a workshop talk, put it here. If you need more than a week's notice, please say so. Don't interpret the timestamp dates below as projected dates. Actual scheduled workshops will be shown above.

For certain workshops, more than one volunteer may be needed, depending on activities and number of attendees.

Workshop Volunteer Interested ? Doodle (etc.) Link (
UAV hacking/making Anish mentar, Solexious,martin,jutt,andrew,brad_kiwi,Filbert
Hack-A-Thon to add functions to interactive website for RMC
Hack The Media Oscar Laura
RAL Day trip (Mk 2) SamLR
OpenStreetMap - Mapping Party Ciarán
Stencil & Graffiti Art for Beginners - open workshop to learn the basics of stencil making, single or multi-layered and some basic graffiti skills. including using the lasercutter or vinyl cutter layer1gfx iktomist , haywardgb , layer1gfx+3, spooq, Montyphy, Oscar, Mungo
Infrastructure Hacking - project to explore basics of infrastructure hacking, with monthly workshops. Kussic, Renski
Web Hacking - project to explore basics of web application hacking, with monthly workshops. Aim is to finish with an audit of One Click Orgs software. Renski, Kussic Alex Muller, Will, John, DavidC, Ten, Booyaa, an0key, Guillaume, WillB, Datagramm
Entrepreneurship: UK company formation, raising finance (or not), tax and accounts, market sizing and research. Approx 2 hrs. AndyE Oni, antoan, Kevin, Anthony, varoudis, Gilda, Kieran, Guillaume, WillBeaufoy, Dave B
Pure Data for beginners and some applications including Arduino, DMX-lamps, iPhone apps, RjDj scenes... (Would be in 2nd half of Nov) Yuli and Ragnar Mark, Matt H, dsikar, Mike H, Guy J Oni, Nigle, varoudis, Daniel, earthshine, maco1717, Mungo
Introduction to Hardware Hacking/Arduino incl live demo Andy "Bob" Brockhurst Ken(des) - quite interested in a mid-week evening option,Me too HalD, varoudis, Dave Durant John, Ed Burton.
HTML/CSS for beginner/intermediate Chris Adams Kevin, varoudis, Johannes
Microformats for beginners Phae Spike AndrewBlack
Servo programming with Arduino Michael Margolis Phil Jones, Andy, varoudis, Kieran, John, Memo, an0key, Ed Burton.
Meta Workshop - As many useful tips for a successful workshop/training session/presentation as we can fit in the time. PaulR. AndyE
Ruby and Sinatra for Beginners James Harrison 16:27, 23 April 2010 (UTC) V21 15:03, 2 August 2010 (UTC) --3en 15:23, 28 August 2010 (UTC) -- Eliot
Kernel debugging or something on reverse engineering? Mark SamLRWill, varoudis, maco1717, an0key, Dave B
Using TFL APIs Mark, possibly dom/harrywood/Paul2/anyone else as well? AndrewBlack, Mungo
Introduction to ARM microcontrollers.
Attendees will work with dev kits during the workshop.
Harry 10:54, 26 July 2010 (UTC) Ciarán earthshine, Andy, varoudis, earthshine, maco1717, Dave B, Mungo
Ruby for beginners (Max? Chris Adams) Would be happy to do this JamesHarrison 21:49, 21 April 2010 (UTC) V21 15:03, 2 August 2010 (UTC), earthshine, Andy, alexmuller, Softhook, Eliot
Decent beginner electronics workshop (probably one or two half-days at the space) Russ 10:40, 12 January 2010 (UTC), AC Grillet Ciarán, Phil Jones, earthshine, Bugs, Andy, Johannes, SamLR, Kieran, Jonty, Anthony, varoudis, Dave Durant, John, emmelene, maco1717, Zoe, Guillaume, Dave B, Ed Burton, Mungo.
Very restricted 'basic rules' electronics evening talk - Ohms law, resistors, diodes, transistors. Offered : when > 4 people sign up Artag, AC Grillet John, Zoe, Ed Burton.
Introduction to Amazon AWS Services - S3, EC2, SimpleDB, etc. using boto Rlotun 11:13, 12 January 2010 (UTC) MattP TimHughes, Phil Jones AndrewBlack, Andy Oni, Anthony, varoudis, Gilda
Introduction to asynchronous network programming in Python using Twisted Rlotun 11:16, 12 January 2010 (UTC) MattP TimHughes V21 DavidC Phil Jones 15:03, 2 August 2010 (UTC), Johannes
A workshop on effectively using the scope/logic analyser we have Artag 13:42, 27 July 2010 (UTC), AC Grillet Andy (if pitched at a really beginner level!), Dave Durant, +1 HalD. John, Dave B
Vector graphics in Inkscape *Hint, can use this to make files for laser cutter* chrisf eb4890 Phil Jones, earthshine, SamLR, Ciarán, pyrhho, martind, Alexp Andrew Black, corinne, Anthony, varoudis, chio, scary, Layer1gfx, Dave Durant, Montyphy, earthshine, Dave B
Photo editing in Gimp for beginners chrisf (tajasel could also offer services) AndrewBlack
Introduction to programmable logic (VHDL, FPGAs & CPLDs) ChrisMc, SamLR (I can help at least), AC Grillet Artag, earthshine, Andy, dsikar, Mark, User:JasperWallace, Lester, Memo, maco1717,Dave B
Android OS / application programming chrisf, dmi MattVenn MattP V21 John 15:03, 2 August 2010 (UTC)Bugs Nigle Dave Durant Lester tajasel, bmalee, maco1717, an0key, WillBeaufoy
Blender introduction (basic stuff, one evening) *hint - this means you can build stuff for the Makerbot* chrisf Ciarán V21 15:03, 2 August 2010 (UTC) Bugs AndyE, Dave Durant, Kieran, Anthony, varoudis, Gilda, Lester, Memo, Dave B
Blender in more detail (a few evenings) chrisf Anthony, Oni, varoudis, Memo
Arduino for Beginners earthshine Bugs, AndrewGee, HalD, SamLR, Ciarán Daniel, Ciemon, Dave Durant, an0key, Belen, Ed Burton, ben byford.
From Arduino to AVR (or Beyond Arduino) earthshine Ciarán Solexious, ben byford, Memo
Introduction to openFrameworks matthewvenn earthshine, Jonty, varoudis
PCB Design with Eagle CAD dsikar earthshine, Jonty, varoudis, John, SteveW, Ciarán, Memo, asc, Elliot, maco1717, Dave B
Bus Pirate for dummies dsikar Jonty, John, maco1717, Dave B
Knitting for Beginners PJ - well my other half has volunteered to do this, I can't knit wren I can do this! Also, crochet & spinning. Bugs, emmelene
Knotwork - practical ones and the few ornamental ones I can remember Sam (SamLR) emmelene, Jonty, Mark Lester tajasel Oni
Physics (Or what I do for a day Job): focus on particle physics (+ scary can do nano/quantum/other if wanted) SamLR Jonty, varoudis, Mark, Daniel, Dave Durant, Bugs, Memo, maco1717, Dave B, Oni, ben byford.
Statistics (What I really do for my day job): focus on stats for everyday use/ in the media and science SamLR dsikar, varoudis, Gilda, Mark, PhilJones, bmalee, Bugs, Oni
Jewelery Making - feathers, beads, ribbon (More info soon!!) emmelene Oni
OpenGL and Programming Computer Graphics Oni Jonty, varoudis, Lester, earthshine, Bbyford
Introduction to Regular expressions (or a more detailed talk if prefered) Andrew Black dsikar, Memo, WillBeaufoy
Coffee? Mark? AndyE has an interest in coffee. A tasting could be fun.

JimM Artag John tajasel (could possibly provide Monmouth Coffee on the cheap, but no promises) emmelene SamLR Have some Vietnamese coffee, an0key, Flux

Spirits (ethanol) Flux Mungo (away until 18th) July TBC
Satellites (HackSat1) Flux ?? June TBC
Texas Hold 'Em Poker - how to play & basic strategy Kieran emmelene, an0key
DIY PCB Making ChrisMc 23:18, 20 December 2010 (UTC) Jonty, Kevin, Billy, varoudis, Kieran, Evan (potential member), John, earthshine, SteveW, Ciarán,danny-orion, Memo, maco1717, Dave B Oni
Introduction to Astronomy Flux would be happy to help dsikar, emmelene Oni
SMD Soldering Workshop Martin Ling earthshine, PJ, Lester, Elliot, mars, JasperWallace, John, Radek, SteveW, Ciarán,danny-orion, maco1717, WillBeaufoy
Introduction to Bioinformatics Cass, Andrew, Nathan martind Gilda Dave Durant Bugs, maco1717
Homebrewing (beer): Full mash process, recipe design, could also do a bit on judging and/or food pairing Ben F
Screen Printing Jan from NOID may be able to offer this, but has not explicitly volunteered yet. mars: I can do this. JimM Artag Solexious Iktomist PJ Errant RichardBeard Scary, emmelene
Introduction to Japanese Sound FX in Manga Comics - a short talk and drawing workshop in japanese and english chris henson aka layer1gfx
Git Workshop - the version control system chrismear grifferz, Elliot, Spike, Alex Muller, Jasper, Kevin, Cass Johnston, Adrian, SamLR, Radek, Johannes, Dave Durant, Dave B
Bookbinding - beginners class to make a simple book from scratch, possibly a small amount of coverage of restoration at the end Lester Hawksby No more than 6 please! SamLR Adrian Sam K, earthshine, Errant. Interest expressed on mailing list by earthshine, Adrian, Katie, George, Billy and possibly others. Frank (not a member yet)
Hypnosis 101 - Starting point for learning about hypnosis. Let's hack the mind! Hypnoeyes DMI, bmalee, Bugs
bash and basic terminal stuff SamLR unless someone with more knowledge wants to do it (serious I'm pretty poor at this) Bugs, WillBeaufoy, ben byford.
GSM/Mobile phone networks - what they use/how do they work/what I do for a day job, LTE/WiMAX and onwards with help from Aden? Paul PaulR, Ten, maco1717, an0key, AC Grillet
Radio basics - Run through various radio systems, radio propagation, suggestions/help welcome Paul PaulR, maco1717
This workshop introduces you to USB. We address the most important issues of the design and how to build a USB interface focusing on the HID class. We also examine how you want a Hackspace USB group to work. PaulR asc, Mike, bmalee, Matt Peperell, Adrian Godwin, danny-orion, Dave Ingram, Phil Jones, Billy Smith JasperWallace, maco1717
Django - An introduction to Django for people who've done some programming before, and have a rough idea of how web programming works. andrewgodwin SamLR, chrismear, Johannes, JasperWallace, Dave Durant, Alex Muller, bmalee, WillBeaufoy
How to build Nanode - low cost network node, aimed at Arduino enthusiasts Ken -
Spinning for beginners: build and learn how to use a very basic drop spindle in a most ancient of fibre crafts! Liedra Johannes, Zoe
London *BSD meetup JasperWallace , AC Grillet |
Relief printmaking - woodcut & linocut printing, all the way through from design to ink on paper. Eithin

Workshops Requested

Workshop Volunteer Interested? Doodle (etc.) link ( )
Tor / FreeNet (how it works, how to use, what does the source look like?) Anyone using this who wants to run a session? Phil Jones